Booking cancellation

This endpoint lets you cancel a booking you created.


This api endpoint is accessible via /{lang}/bookingengine/cancel_booking/ (replace {lang} with fr or en) via POST, using the sub_instance_url (see the Rental api endpoint)

Expected fields

  • origin: The name of your configured origin. Ask your Homeloc contact if you don’t have one already.
  • reservation: The id of the booking you created. You received it when you created the booking.


The response is given in JSON form.

Valid response

Here is an example of a valid response:

    'status': 'ok',
    'paid_amount': '24.95'

The status key indicates the call you made was valid and we were able to cancel the booking.

The paid_amount shows how much was already paid for the booking (on our platform). If you handle the payments on your own you can safely ignore it.

Invalid response

    'status': 'error',
    'code': 'already_cancelled',
    'error': 'The booking is already cancelled'

The status is not ok, you call you made was not valid (or we were not able to cancel the booking).

The code contains a string telling you what the problem is. You should use this to handle the API’s response. See below for the possible values.

error contains a string explaining what happened in more details.

Possible error codes

  • badly_filled_form: This means some (at least one) of the fields were not properly filled. In this case, the error of the response contains a list of the badly filled fields.
  • origin_unknown: The origin you gave us does not match any origin on our side.
  • wrong_origin: The origin you gave us does not match the origin of the booking you specified.
  • already_cancelled: The booking you are trying to cancel is already cancelled.


Valid call that cancels a booking


curl '' --data 'reservation=221&origin=My+Partner+Name'


import requests

response =
        'reservation': 221,
        'origin': 'My Partner Name',

API response

    'status': 'ok',
    'paid_amount': '22.10'

Origin is different from booking origin


curl '' --data 'reservation=221&origin=Some+Other+Origin'


import requests

response =
        'reservation': 221,
        'origin': 'Some other origin',

API response

    'status': 'error',
    'code': 'wrong_origin',
    'error': 'You can only cancel reservations with the same origin as the one you provided'